The Why of Meditation?

Alright, alright… My brand new daily habit rhythm thing is already trying to get off track a little. Outside stuff like work and other people is creeping in and I’m letting them. Today is Sunday. Maybe that’s a good time to take stock every week and slap myself around a little if needed? Yeah, I …

I Think It’s Time To Steal a Car

So my friend Justin Hall and I have been talking for a while about this thing we’re going to do called Go ahead, click on the link. It’ll take you to a barely started FaceBook page. Which is a symptom. Or maybe posting this will have made us do something about that before you’ve …

Writing Is Easy!

I’m serious. All you have to do is sit down. And write. And not even for that long. Like, five minutes a day. Really! Try this, leave yourself a note on your bedside table or anywhere you can’t miss it first thing. It could say something like, “WRITE RIGHT NOW, DUMMY! FIVE MINUTES!” (You can …

Sunday Brunch

Have I ever told you how much I hate being late? I really, really do. Trouble is, my wife and kids are kinda cool with it. There’s a joke in the family that when I die, my tombstone, not that I’m going to have one, will say, “HE REALLY HATED TOYS AT THE DINNER TABLE”. …